Facebook “Friend” is a Fake

Angela Voelkert, age 29, was expecting her divorce from husband David, age 38, to be messy and needed to get as much “dirt” on him as she could in preparation for an upcoming court battle. Her plan? Pose as a nubile teenager named Jessica and become a “friend” of David’s on Facebook.

Did it work? Did it ever! David became intrigued with the sexy blonde teen and began sending “private” messages to her about his personal life and his divorce strategies.

He told Jessica that he had secretly installed a GPS in his wife’s car so that he knew where she was. He pointed out that her location was important for the “hit man” David sought to hire to kill his wife.

He also asked Jessica if one of her “gang-banger” schoolmates would be interested in doing the hit for a fee of $10,000.00. He wrote he needed “someone to put a cap in her ass” and that he was “done with her crap”.

He revealed that before the hit he would move with the children to another State to ensure a solid alibi and advised Jessica to delete his messages so they did not fall into the wrong hands. Way too late for that!

The Indiana police arrested and jailed David Voelkert for illegally installing a GPS, a felony charge.

Officials have said more serious charges my be filed.

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. (author unknown)

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

8 thoughts on “Facebook “Friend” is a Fake

  1. So now the truth has come out will you post another blog?
    You are right “Everyone is entitled to be stupid” . . . Angela Voelkert is a first class ass.
    BTW – your ‘glee’ here doesn’t exactly fit with that of a legal professional.

  2. Do a google news search on this and rethink who actually abused the privilege of being stupid.

  3. Turns out the “hit” was also a fake. It looks like Angela was the one who abused the privilege.

  4. Justin

    You must have a jaded view of lawyers? Lawyers are frequently gleeful, also happy, bubbly, and excited, just like real people.

    Thanks for participating in the discussion.

  5. You forgot to include the rest of the story where the charges were dropped and he knew it was his ex-wife all along. Now he will use what he has gained against her in a bitter custody/divorce battle. The wife is a nut job and should have the book thrown at her. I pity the poor child(s).

  6. Kyle

    When I wrote this post the only information available were the facts referred to. Further information has now been released. Please see my latest post “Fake Facebook Friend Turns into Reverse Sting”.

    Thanks for your input.

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