Psychic Cons Woman Looking for Love

GEO CASUALThis story should be filed under “Gullible Victims”. Klarrisa Castro from California consulted psychic Jennifer Williams, who offered her services under the business name of “Psychic Readings By Yana”.

Ms. Williams charged her client $500 for a reading where she gave her both bad news and good news. The bad news was that Ms. Castro was under a love curse, the good news was that Yana could fix it.

Over a period of two years Ms. Castro spent $11,000 on her sessions with Yana and purchases made under Yana’s direction.

She was told to purchase special candles and write love letters and place them in flowered envelopes under her bed. She was also advised to buy gift cards for Yana so that Yana could buy gifts that “represented Ms. Castro’s love for her boyfriend”.

The final step in freeing herself from the curse was to give Yana over $5000 so that she could commission a painting which she promised would lift the curse.

No surprise that nothing worked and Ms. Castro never received the painting. However, Ms. Castro recently filed a lawsuit against Jennifer Williams, aka Yana, for fraud and both intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Yes, Ms. Castro sounds incredibly naïve, but the worst part is that charlatans like Jennifer Williams rip-off vulnerable people like Klarrisa Castro every day.

There is a good chance Ms. Castro will win her lawsuit, but the bad news is that her chances of getting any money out of Yana are remote.

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

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