Divorce Rates Double For Over 50’s

GEO CASUALThere are lots of divorce statistics floating around, some are accurate, but others are not. For example, it’s a myth that fifty per cent of Canadian marriages will end in divorce. Those are Americans numbers, that have recently dropped to 45%, while here in Canada it is closer to 40%.

However, a new study out of Ohio’s Bowling Green University from the Center for Family and Demographic Research tells a new tale.

Researchers Susan Brown and I-Fen Lin relied on 2009 data from the American Community Survey compiled by the United States Census Bureau. The question asked was: “Whether you were divorced or widowed during the calendar year 2009?”

Here’s what they found:

1. The divorce rate for persons over 50 has doubled since 1980;

2. One in four divorces involves spouses over 50-years-old;

3. Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to divorce than Caucasians;

4. Disabled persons are more likely to divorce or be widowed than non-disabled persons;

5. The less education you have, the more likely you are to be divorced or widowed.

Sobering facts that support the upward trend called “grey divorce”. Theories for the increase in divorce among older people range from our longer life spans to the financial means of women who work outside of the home in increasing numbers.

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

2 thoughts on “Divorce Rates Double For Over 50’s

  1. Georgialee, they have something in Japan called silver divorce and a growing number are couples that have been married for 30 years, the kids have left home and the wife decides to call it quits after effectively raising children by herself while husband slaves at the company. The wife can now help herself to 50% of the husbands pension once he retires so for many women its simply a waiting game. The guy usually doesn’t know what hit him.

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