Abortion Billboard: Freedom of Speech or Revenge Tactic?

Alamogordo New Mexico is a small desert community that rarely finds itself in the national news. The last time Alamogordo received media attention was in December 2001 when a local church held a public book burning, tossing Harry Potter books into the flames and decrying them as a “masterpiece of satanic deception”.

This week in Alamogordo a public billboard has captured the media’s attention. Greg Fultz, age 35, paid $1300.00 for a large billboard ad on the town’s main street, showing himself holding the outline of a baby with text that read: “This Would Have Been a Picture of My Two-Month Old Baby If the Mother had Decided Not to KILL Our Child!”

Fultz’s ex-girlfriend, Nani Lawrence, is now suing him for harassment and invasion of privacy and obtained a restraining order against him and an order that the billboard be removed by June 19, 2011.

Originally the billboard contained an endorsement by a group called National Association for Needed Information or NANI, an obvious acronym for his ex’s first name. Fultz is the founder of NANI.

Fultz admits he is not really sure if his ex had an abortion. Her lawyer has indicated that she had a miscarriage. In the meantime, Mr. Fultz has filed an appeal against the orders and is touting his First Amendment rights for free speech.

Fultz is also relying on the recent US Supreme Court decision that permitted Westboro Baptist Church to protest military funerals while parading around with distasteful, inflammatory and offensive signs.

Civil rights activist Eleanor Holmes Norton succinctly described the cornerstone of freedom of expression and speech when she said “The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don’t agree with.”

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

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