December 13 in Legal History

Today is December 13 and both CNN and Fox News feature legal news about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, Mexico’s escalating drug war and Vancouver’s gang war.

December 13 is also known for other major legal events such as:

On December 13, 1884 the religious organization known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses was granted a legal charter and incorporated, launching the movement that consists of seven million adherents today. A distinguishing feature of this group is that they believe only 144,000 elite Jehovah Witnesses will be permitted in heaven.

On December 13, 1946 the United Nations unanimously affirmed the principles of the Nuremberg Charter and Judgment which set out rules regarding legal responsibility for war crimes including genocide, arising from the Nazi war trials in Germany.

On December 13, 1996, the Swiss Parliament passed a Federal Decree Concerning Historical and Legal Investigation of the “fate of assets which reached Switzerland as a result of Nazi party rule”. The Decree was intended to assist Holocaust victims who were unable to recover family monies from Swiss bank accounts.

On December 13, 2003 Saddam Hussein was captured by American forces in Iraq after a lengthy man-hunt.

On December 13, 2009, the fourth largest city in the United States elected a gay mayor. Houston, Texas Mayor Annise Parker received 53% of the votes from the mostly Democratic community made up of 25% African-Americans and 30% Hispanics.

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

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