The Jig is Up

Well, it looks like the jig is up for Lindsay Lohan! After months of questionable behavior, (considering she was on probation for driving while impaired), a California court refused to continue to be the butt of jokes as its impotency in enforcing its orders was apparent for all the world to see.

The best part of her 90 day prison sentence is that newspapers, magazines and internet celebrity and news sites will no longer be flashing photos of her in her typically inebriated state. We will have a reprieve from the crotch shots, the stumble and fall takes and the ever-popular pix of Lindsay sleeping with her mouth wide open in somebody’s Mercedes Benz.

Heck, we may even find relief from her annoying parents, Michael and Dina Lohan.

The worst part of her 90 day jail term is that she will likely serve only 23 days, but think of the material she will have for her new reality TV show. All kidding aside, Ms. Lohan needs help and if she has any real friends they need to step up now. She’ll have a couple of weeks of sobriety which can be the start of a new life for her, if she gets the help she so desperately needs.

Lawdiva aka Georgialee Lang

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